is the Year to Take back Your Life!
- Feeling stuck in your career?
- Relationship challenges?
- Crushed under the burdens of stress?
- Feeling defeated by life circumstances?
Get a coach and have RESULTS NOW!
- Conquer self-defeating behaviors
- Achieve success and prosperity
- Heal life transitions
- Live and operate effectively in a stressed world
Call now for a complimentary session:
Nationwide: 303-506-1772
no gimmicks.....just try it out for free!
FAQ's about coaching:
What is coaching and how does coaching work?
Coaching is an action-oriented partnership which concentrates on where you are today and how you can reach your goals. To achieve maximum results, coaches typically meet with clients weekly or bi-weekly in session lengths appropriate to client goals. To achieve the best results, coaches often assign homework to be done between sessions, and hold their clients accountable.
Why would I want a coach?
Everyone has the potential to overcome and break through every life problem and challenge, freeing themselves from self-defeating thoughts and negative actions that keep them stymied and limited. Each person has the potential to create a rewarding career and/or loving relationships that allows them to live with peace of mind, joy, happiness and prosperity every day.
What is a coaching session with Lynds like?
My style is open honest, straight-forward, insightful, safe and nurturing. I create a huge amount of safety for each person, so they give themselves permission to work through and overcome just about ANY CHALLENGE.
The sessions typically begin with the client sharing where they are that day, which includes results of assignments, recent happenings and current circumstances relating to their coaching goals. From there, attention is given to the biggest priorities, processing difficult areas, until resolution occurs. All of this is done with lots of encouragement and acknowledgement of the client. The last thing is that appropriate assignments are given to take the client to the next level!
Westwalker Coaching is innovative and flexible. Personalized programs are developed for each person within the coaching options available.
• Coaching packages tailored to individual needs
• Telephone coaching for streamlined or traveler's schedules
• Adventure-based group experiences to take people to the next level: connected breathwork, ropes courses, firewalks and other indoor/outdoor options.
• Core coaching for clients desiring deep, holistic movement and change
• Powerful and effective support groups and classes
LYNDS PICKETTis in her third decade of working professionally with individuals and groups. She is a highly trained and experienced
facilitator. From designing and directing outdoor courses, to sacred inner journeys to mentoring a client to success, fulfillment and peace,
Lynds is a creative and versatile facilitator and coach. Her ability to capture her client's purpose, direct their focus and lead them to
manifesting their desired outcome is the hallmark of her distinctive body of work. Her practice acknowledges all spiritual paths in people's
quest for healing, wholeness and personal empowerment in our modern world..
Call 303-506-1772
Call now for a complimentary session or for more information: